Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Qeuetion #1

Question #1: What topic(s) in MCS 213 do you find easy and/or difficult and why?

Answer: The topic that I have encountered that is easy to me in subject MCS213 is Conversion. I chose this topic because it is easy to understand, familiar and I read already the book regarding this topic before I take this subject. The instructor also teach or explain the topic in the easiest way.
But when it apply the conversion to the program it seems difficult to me.

Jiacler Y. Tanap


rosarie said...

ellow....!!!♥♥♥8's my big pleasure 2 b 1 of u'r frend....♥♥♥

rosarie said...

ellow...♥♥♥can u b my frend.....? my blogspot s♥♥♥